State Route 15 near Rossmoyne

Mechanicsburg, PennsylvaniaJun 19, 20060 Comments

Lower Allen police use similar tactics to the ones described in the Upper Allen Township speed trap listing.

The two main traps they have been using a lot lately are two sets of white hash marks (not lines, but painted blocks): one just after the rossmoyne exit bridge going north on 15, and the other just before the next onramp after that.

For the trap near the bridge, the officer will sit way up on the onramp, up near the beginning of the entrance. He will use VASCAR to clock your speed between the white blocks. Look over your shoulder right after you pass the bridge and you should be able to see him and easily adjust your speed in time, provided you are not speeding excessively.

The trap shortly down the road is the same way; the officer will sit behind the trees that block the view from the road to the onramp. Look over your shoulder just before you hit the first white blocks and you will be able to see him if he is there; slow to 55 or less (to average 55 between the blocks) if he is there.

The lower allen police and the upper allen police (closer to Dillsburg) all use similar tactics along 15. Just look out for the white lines and hash marks and adjust your speed accordingly.

This area is well known for being a speed trap. The cops that patrol 15 probably rack in a lot of money for the township. They could better invest their time in other matters.

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