State Highway 356 near Towne Center Drive

Leechburg, PennsylvaniaFeb 19, 20081 Comments

Police cars constantly sit in the driveway of the Blair Brothers Dairy Farm and catch speeders traveling north or south on 356 near the Leechburg Giant Eagle. ALSO – at night, be extremely cautious making the "illegal" left turn onto 356 South from the Giant Eagle Getgo Gas Station. You can’t see the police car in the Blair Brothers Dairy driveway, but they can see you perfectly making that leFort My husband got a ticket for doing this late at night with no one around coming either way on 356.

The police also sit at the stop sign in front of the Getgo and watch for people making the illeagal left hand turns on 356. These people will never learn that the left arrow with the red line through it means NO!
#1Sep 07, 2011Report Abuse

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