Interstate 80

Stroudsburg, PennsylvaniaAug 23, 20072 Comments

The entire Stroudsburg area is a "Targeted Enforcement Area" and they mean it. Fines are doubled and the speed limit is only 50. The police have lots of places to hide and a million tricks up their sleeves. I have even seen officers on foot, on an overpass above the highway and a chase car about a half mile down the road. and often there are multiple troopers working the area so if you see a cop with a customer, don’t think you are safe. They will usually allow a little leeway.

While there is a lot of propaganda about this stretch being targeted, I haven't seen any enforcement in years, simply because it is too dangerous for the cops to pull anyone over. That is not to say that they couldn't get really sneaky as the writer above mentioned but that would take some interest by the cops in doing so. In reality the traffic routinely moves through that stretch 10 to 20 miles over the posted 50 limit with little problem.
#1Apr 15, 2010Report Abuse
This is a worn-out, snowy, mountainous, and frequently deadly section of interstate, full of bumps and potholes with very little room for leeway. It is also heavily congested because of the Pocono casinos, lots of retirees moving there, as well as the Crossings outlet mall in Tannersville. If you're going through Pa on I-80 wait until you're past I-380 and it opens up a lot. Travel at your own risk...or better yet, take the bus to the casino.
#2Jul 23, 2018Report Abuse

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