Hwy 56 from the south edge of town to 4 miles north to I-40

Cromwell, OklahomaAug 01, 20000 Comments

Cromwell is a town of about 350 people with no active police department. Highway 56 runs through the town with no stop lights. The speed limit is 40mph through town and once you head out of town the speed limit becomes 65mph. The Oklahoma Highway Patrol has a constant show of employees patroling this area. It is almost guarenteed that every Friday night there will be a road block in town on Highway 56. If not in town there will be a road block about 2.5 miles north of town or about 3/4 of a mile south from I-40. Roadblocks are common on the weekend (Saturday, Sunday). Searches of vehicles are more the norm than writing of speeding tickets.

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