State Highway 585 near The Barn Resturant

Smithville, OhioSep 07, 20053 Comments

The speed limit drops from 55 to 35 to 25 as you enter Smithville from the SE and a police car parked in the dept. parking lot facing SW moniters your speed. Braking is required to slow down since the road is slightly downhill. Very little allowance is given for traveling over the posted speeds.

Troopers are all over 585. Smithville is the worst! Slow down!!!!
#1Apr 11, 2010Report Abuse
The Police sit at the Little ice cream stand right before the train tracks going into Smithville as you come over the hill going south on 585 right before ice cream place if their is no car behind you as soon as you go by them they will pull out behind you and tail gate you so bad you cant see their headlights or feont end of car in you mirror and follow you all the way through town to the Barn resturant at the other end of town to scare you into making a mistake they have done this to me and I have seen them do it to hundreds of other cars so when i go into town i make sure their is always a car behind me so they cant do that to me.
#2Mar 23, 2014Report Abuse
As you approach the village of Smithville on St.Rt.585 from the SW, you most definitely are heading into a speed trap run by the local police department. The speed limit drops from 55 mph to 35 mph with only one small sign to warn you of the change. This warning sign does not seem to be very far from the 35 mph sign. Because S.R.585 at this point is running downgrade/downhill you can quickly blunder into their speed trap with too much speed even if you see the reduced speed zone ahead sign and lift your foot off the accelerator. My brother-in-law from Pennsylvannia, who is 50 years old, who is a careful driver, who has never had an accident, who had never had a speeding ticket or any traffic citation in 34 years of driving, was handed a big fat hefty speeding ticket for going 42mph in a 35mph zone. The officer simply pulled the trigger on the radar gun right as my brother-in-law passed the posted sign, as he was slowing to 35 mph. (Note: The officer's car was semi-hidden behind some bushes.) When the officer pulled him over, he was treated as if he had committed the crime of the century. Road conditions were summertime, sunny and dry, Sunday afternoon, 5 PM, with light traffic. Do not tell me that this is just to keep the citizens of Smithville safe from from bad motorists and expect me to believe it. This is about handing out as many tickets as possible and fattening the village kitty as much as possible so that they can pay the 4 officers on the payroll now. At the village council meeting 2 months ago, they were discussing adding a fifth officer to the payroll because they were "under-manned"! All this in a little rural village of about 1200 souls and virtually no crime. No, I have not gotten a ticket in Smithville , because I live in the same county, in another little village that has the same mentality, that runs it's own speed trap. Just giving everyone a head's up warning to be careful if you don't hand over your hard earned money.
#3May 04, 2014Report Abuse

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