Clarksville Road

West Windsor, New JerseySep 24, 20071 Comments

By the abandoned pharmaceutical plant and open fields, cops sometimes sit on the side of the road by the old entrance gates. They usually mostly use this trap at night, and pick off traffic headed in both directions. There is also an abandoned house by the traffic light at the intersection with Quakerbridge Road, and there is sometimes a cop sitting in the driveway. Slow down before the house because you can’t see anything in the driveway until you’re right in front of it. They usually pick people off heading towards Quakerbridge Rd. This trap (gates and house) are active mostly during the AM rush and late at night.

Definitely a trap. Speed limit is 45 on a WIDE OPEN country road where people often go 60.
#1Jul 09, 2010Report Abuse

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