County Rt. 535 Veterans Memorial bridge

South River, New JerseyMay 22, 20020 Comments

This bridge links South River to Sayreville. The raod itself is two lanes each way, mainly straight. The speed limit leaving S.R. is 35, going into S.R. it is a ridiculous 25 MPH. The preferred tactic seems to be lurking behind a local business, or simply observing a motorist passing the other way and hanging a u turn. Enforcement by the Sayreville P.D. is not a problem. I have also been issued a summons in this town for "pacing" i.e. a clunker putts down the road at 20 MPH begging a motorist to follow too closely, the clunker alerts a patrolman who swoops in from behind, threatinig tailgating tickets. It is a known fact that the township in ? is very low on revenue, to the point their P.D. H.Q has been condemned.

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