Auburn, Alabama Speed Traps

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Academy Drive, 4 way stop by Lee Scott Academy

Auburn, AlabamaJun 18, 20180 Comments

The four way stop in front of Lee Scott Academy. Every morning, a police officer sits behind the trees in the one direction of the four way stop that is a dead end.

North Donahue school zone

Auburn, AlabamaFeb 20, 20150 Comments

Heading south on N. donahue school zone sign appears as you top a hill. Very hard to slow down from 45 to 25. Always a car there with double radar to nail drivers in both directions.

E. Thatch between Dean and campus

Auburn, AlabamaDec 04, 20110 Comments

They recently lowered the speed limit to 25, and several days I’ve seen cops there between 8 and 9am. I don’t know if they’re only there for the morning or if they stay a while. It’s a hilly stretch, and the police lie at the bottom of the hills so a) you can’t see them; and b) it’s basically impossible to go less than 25 coming down the hills unless you brake.

Glenn street near Kroger

Auburn, AlabamaMar 25, 20100 Comments

On Glenn street near Kroger, there is a church behind Kroger where cops love to park. They park here because the speed limit changes from 45 to 35 headed towards the Glenn/Dean intersection. Sometimes they park at the island right before the hill tops off as well.

Cox Road

Auburn, AlabamaFeb 26, 20100 Comments

At the intersection of Cox Rd. & Fieldview Dr officers live on the shoulder of the road next to the industrial park. They are preying on the students that live in the parks beyond Veterans Blvd. and stuff the coffers of the City of Auburn with the cash of those who can least afford it.

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