Birmingham, Alabama Speed Traps
Lakeshore Drive near Samford University
This stretch of road is completely flat (like a drag strip) with excellent visability. However, because of the close proximity of a high school, a college, and a retirement community, the posted speed limit is 40 mph. It is extremely easy to go in the 55-60 mph range if you are not watching your speed. The only time I have seen a trooper on this road was at dusk (how clever) one day. Ironically, this road is not as heavily patrolled as you would think, but the posted speed limit is definitely easy to overpass. Be careful when it first starts to get dark, as the cops like to hide in the center grass median.
Green Springs Avenue near George Ward Park
Not to be confused with Green Springs Highway (which is another matter on it’s own). This is the road that crosses I-65 at exit 258, crosses Green Springs Highway, and goes up the hill. This is specifically about the stretch between Green Springs Highway and the intersection of 6th Street south.
There is a park on one side, and residential on the other.
Speed limit is 35, and appropriate for the area. The hills make it difficult to regulate your speed without burning your brakes up. Birmingham PD will set up either in the park itself on the jogging trail at night (and use radio to contact other units stashed nearby), or at the 4 way stop at the intersection of 6th Street South and Green Springs Avenue. There is plenty of foliage, and occasionally they will actually be a very short distance away in a private driveway, nose out, waiting for people to not come to that complete stop.
Go 35 through here, and make sure you come to a complete stop at the 4 way. Even with a city bus breathing down your neck on this narrow 2 lane road.
Matt Leanord Drive near 15th Street
There is a three way stop in the middle of Matt leoanard drive. Beware that a police officer sits down the hill on 15th st, and they prey on people in this area. I got stopped for not comming to a complete stop here and got a ticket $213.00. SO to appease the nit picking officers that write unessisary tickets , Stop completely and wait 5 seconds before proceding.
39th Street
This trap is an obvious one, as u come a cross 8th court coming from highland ave ,you will see a sign on the right that says speed limit 25 speed checked by detection device, obey that sign! 90% of the time there will be an officer parked either in a on a motorbike or in a car pointing a radar gun on the street in the middle of the incline and you wont see them untill you are right up on them as you come down the hill. be careful!
I-2059 eastwest from downtown to fairfield and vice versa
this strech of highway is constantly patrolled. the speed limit is 60, you can get away with 65. anything above that be careful. they use motorbikes and unmarked cars so if you have a radar detector turn it on, especialy out of state motorists they will get you.