Evergreen, Alabama Speed Traps
Evergreen exit from I65
The exit off I-65 to Evergreen quickly leads to a Y-shaped T intersection at an isolated country setting. The local cop sits just opposite on the far side of an unpaved parking lot, well concealed under a stand of trees. He will cite any “violator” for rolling through the stop sign– $164 is then due to the local justice of the peace! The ticket issued is illegible and the officer’s name a scribble, but instructions to pay the fine are clearly printed. This intersection is a favorite for out of town travelers headed south for the coast, and cites are common, especially during the summer and holiday weekends. Do not buy gas in Evergreen or frequent any of its businesses.
Just outside of the city on State Highway 84 East.
On July 22nd, 2013 just outside of the City Of Evergreen, AL on Highway 84 & Highway 31 junction there were 4 Alabama State Troopers and 2 City Of Evergreen Police giving out tickets to at least 4 drivers. This road going to Andalusia is patrolled by at least 3 different cities law enforcement and Alabama State Troopers.
People are stopped in the City Of Evergreen very early in the morning without any reason and then let go after interrogation by the police.
County road 20
City police are out there checking speed, but when you are driving in the different direction they will blow you off the road.
Ted Bates Road
On one end of the road the speed limit is one thing on the other end it is something else. This is a real speed trap for the word go.
The entire city limit including a full 3-mile perimeter.
Avoid this town like the plague. Not only is it a speed trap, the city officials are rude, excessively antagonistic, and they have a complete and total disregard for the rule of law. If you must travel through this place, be sure to follow every possible traffic law. Trust me, you DO NOT want to get stopped here!!!!!