Gordon, Alabama Speed Traps
US Highway 84 near From GA State Line West
Small town with 4 lane road to provide income. From the GA stateline West about 5 miles. Cars are only marked on the doors and lights are behind the grill. He is well known to the truckers that pass through.
US Highway 84E near State Highway 95
Boundaries within limits of Gordon, AL bounded by County Rd 81 east to the Georgia State Border.
US Highway 84 near State Line
Officer contributes vastly to the local budget, have known of this person far twenty years. I have not had a ticket but have paid out others in my employ.(told me not to worry nothing to be sent in extra 20$ wink wink didn,t help) Will stop on 2 mph or attractive female.State att. gen. shut them down but only for a short time.
The local police chief in this very small town will give you a ticket for going 1 mile over the speed limit. Also you can be ticketed for exceeding the safe and reasonable speed limit,translation, all he has to say is that in his
opinion your speeding.