Harpersville, Alabama Speed Traps
US Highway 280
Accurately described in other posts…rapid reduction in speed, set up for motorists to fail. A few years ago, my daughter was stopped on her way from Birmingham to Auburn. I went with her to court…it was absolutely packed. If you want to contest your ticket, you go to the end of the line and "we may not get to you today". Court costs for each ticket (she had a tail light out in addition to being 12 MPH over the speed limit) is over $100. Almost $500.
The entire city is built around traffic ticket revenue, and it is a kangaroo court. They spin a lot of nonsense about having a large police dept for protection, it’s large to exploit their pot of Hwy 280 gold.
That’s all well and fine…a good lesson for anyone about small town, redneck speed traps. But the despicable thing is, it preys upon the poor. Well over 50% of the people in the court were poor, most of them were black. A young woman behind us broke into tears when she understood how much her ticket was going to cost saying "how am i going to feed my children".
For us it was an inconvenience, for many it is predatory. The Bible speaks to this in Proverbs 22:22, Do not exploit the poor because they are poor, and do not crush the needy in court.
U.S. Hwy. 280
The use of unmarked Dodge Chargers is extremely high on this stretch of highway. The speed limit goes from 60 to 55 to 50 to 45 in short order and they love writing those tickets. Also, beware rumor has it they are in the process of buying a 2010 Camaro for speed enforcement.
US Highway 280
These guys do their job! If you go over the state posted speed limits, expect to meet an officer. They have the fewest amount of wrecks throughout Alabama on Hwy 280, due to police presence.
State Highway 280 near State Highway 280
Town of Harpersville, Alabama, police jurisdiction, mainly Highway 280. The cops are always there and will enjoy writing a ticket.
US Highway 280 near Harpersville Police Jurisdiction
Once you enter Harpersville Police jurisdiction, beware! Doesn’t matter if you’re going north or south on 280. The speed limit drops from 65 to 55 to 50 then 45 in short order. It’s in these transition periods that they Will get you.