Jacksonville, Alabama Speed Traps
State Highway 21 near Gold’s Gym
This is not a daily trap. Jacksonville Police usually do speed traps when they are short on quotas or a major event within the city, such as a sporting event, is taking place. I have seen police sitting in the parking lot at the corner of Pelham Road (Alabama 21) and Vann Street near Gold’s Gym. Speed limit drops from 35 to 25 there and stays 25 all the way to 11th Street at the north end of the city. This is almost always late at night. Tolerance is No More than 5 Miles over the speed limit. Jacksonville is the only city in Calhoun County with a speed limit of 25 on a state of federal route.
James Hopkins Road near Cotton Creek Subdivision
This trap is located halfway down James Hopkins Road, which ends at George Douthit Drive in front of Jacksonville High School. Students like to use it to get to school and frequently go as fast as 40. The speed limit is 25 in Jacksonville. Jacksonville Police may sit anywhere on this road on any morning before school. Many of my friends have been pulled over there, but I never have. THERE IS ZERO TOLERANCE FOR SPEEDING TO SCHOOL IN JACKSONVILLE.