Madison, Alabama Speed Traps
Gooch just before Hughes
Madison police routinely sit in church parking lot on the north side of Gooch just before Hughes
Eastview Road near Hughes Road
Eastview has short hills on both ends connecting Hughes and Slaughter Road. The center section is a very long stragiht downhill/uphill section where you will exceed the 35mph speed limit unless you ride the brakes down the hill. The police like to hide in the side streets and use radar as you come down the hill or over a crest. I have seen as many as a dozen offices picking off rush hour commuters. In that the newspaper announced 28% rise in crime for the local area, you would think that these officers could be better used? Be careful, other sites include Gooche Road, Madison Boulvard. I have heard numeous commments that reinforce that Madison is doing a good job of building a reputation as a speed trap city. City has a very large police force for its size. Be careful.
Royal Drive near Sullivan Street
They sit on the right at the first side street.
Old Madison Pike Parkway near Shelton Road
This road is nasty after 10 pm.
Veranda Drive near Coveshire Place
Beware, multi tickets giving for not stopping at stop sign or rolling stop at this T-intersection: Veranda drive and Coveshire place, second exit for Clifts Cove community.