Madison, Alabama Speed Traps
Slaughter Road near New Research Park Entrance
First time I’ve seen this trap, but they definitely were pulling one this morning.
Browns Ferry Road near Holly Springs Drive
Madison Police officers sit in the entrance to the Park Meadow subdivision on Holly Springs Drive. Generally, there will be two cars one that’s shooting the radar gun and another to speed after their victim. Speed limit is 40, they’ll get you for 44.
Hughes Road near Discovery Middle School
If you’re going southbound on Hughes Road coming from Hwy 72, in the first turn-in for Discovery Middle School (formerly Bob Jones High School) there is a row of bushes and shrubs that obstruct the view. Madison police will hide behind these shrubs and hit you with radar as you go by. Myself, and many friends have recieved tickets from this location. The speed limit is 45 Mph, and I received a ticket for 50 Mph. A friend of mine recieved a ticket for 51 Mph
County Line Road
They like to set up in the subdivision entry roads and the gas station. If they are on the side as the gas station they are in their jurisdiction, but if they are on the other side of the road they are in Limestone County. A sure fire way to get out of a speeding ticket with MPD is don’t give them proof of insurance. This ticket is more points/money than a speeding ticket and they will write you a warning for speeding. Just go to court and show proof of insurance and walk away oweing nothing because the judge will dismiss the case.
Hughes Road near City Hall
Speed limit suddenly changes from 45 to 35 north bound on Hughes Road near City Hall (35 MPH sign is hidden behind utility pole) N O T E:: You can beat the ticket most of the time by simply fighting.When the officer doe not show up for court, simply ask the judge to dismiss the case for lack of prosecution