Mentone, Alabama Speed Traps

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State Highway 117 near South of Moon Lake School

Mentone, AlabamaAug 25, 20040 Comments

Heading N. on Hwy 117 near the town of Mentone Ala. the posted speed limit is 55 just before you top a slight grade, just after you crest the hill (this is where the cop locks in the radar) you see 45 mph sign about 100 yards ahead, you have to brake pretty hard in the time allowed to make it, and then not 30 yards ahead is a 25mph school zone sign and there’s no way to slow down for that one. The bad part is they get for the speed at the top of the hill. For me that was 59 in a 25.

Hwy 117 across from Moon Lake school

Mentone, AlabamaOct 01, 20020 Comments

speed is 55 thats okay, then it changes to 45 also okay, THEN no more than 30ft it changes again to 25 thats not okay with me, usually a patrol car is lurking somewhere near by to pounce on you. (says i was clocked, but who knows) Fines are two either 158.00 or 178.00

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