Pelham, Alabama Speed Traps
State Park Rd
Patrol car parks in the clearing between the trees, on the curvy part of the road. Hard to see, until it is too late. Also, have see them at the 4-way stop turning into the Park, making sure ( I guess) that everyone comes to a complete stop at the sign.
Turning into Crosscreek/Cahaba Valley Estates (By CVS)
The speed limit is 20 mph when you turn off of Hwy 31. Police will sit behind the strip mall or in the Vulcan Steel parking lot.
I-65 (Construction Zone)
I drive this area frequently and have noticed a recent increase in parked police cars in the construction zone. It goes from 70 to 60, then 55 in a short distance. I have seen the State Patrol, Pelham Police and Shelby County with cars in the area. Tonight I saw one on the side of the road and he didn’t even have his parking lights on, which is a hazard. Luckily I was going the speed limit. Reminder in the 55 miles zone, it is 55 24/7 while they are doing construction, the fine is double if there are workers in the area. So don’t get caught in the trap that people think it goes back up to 70 if the construction workers are not there.
County Trunk 11 near County Trunk 52
The speed limit is 45 mph and the police will write you a ticket for 5 mph over. They set road blocks and check ins, and DUI at night. As soon as you leave the city limit sign the speed limit goes of 55.
Ballantrae Club Drive near State Highway 11
Multiple officers at locations within 1/8 – 1/4 mile of each other. You must ride your brakes to keep the posted 20 MPH speed limit. This is seems like a waste of tax payers’ dollars for multiple officers in such a short distance.