Reform, Alabama Speed Traps
State Highway 82
Speed drops quick as you come over hill. 65 MPH to 55MPH to 45 MPH. Get caught over 15 mph over the 45 mph limit and its $163 ticket. City police and highway patrol
US Highway 82 near Mile Marker 17
Eastbound on US82, the speed limit of 65 drops to 55 at the city limit nearly a mile before any city structures. The enforcement centers on the next drop to 45, with police often on the left in parking lot, as the traffic is going downhill. The limit drops to 35, but this doesn’t seem to be the focus. The traffic flow conforms tightly to the posted limits, so word is out, just pay attention to what the other cars are doing. There is some enforcement attention on Westbound leaving the city. The posted 35 thru the city never bumps up to 45, as it does on the other side of the 4-lane (???). So, the limit stays 35 on divided 4-lane until a 55 sign well beyond any city buildings. Then eventually a 65 limit sign. Enforcement is by State Trooper.
State Highway 82E
Speed limit drops from 65 to 45 (supposedly) to 35 in a little over 100 yards for a 3 mile wide town. Police officer sits at intersection immediately after speed limit change and pulls you over even as you are slowing down to meet new speed limit. Tickets are exorbitant with anything under 25 mph over the speed limit resulting in a $153 fine and anything 25 mph and over resulting in a $173 fine. Broken tail-lights, failure to dim, etc. will result in a $143 fine. Out-of-state plates are sought after and court appearance is purposely scheduled late (5 pm) for inconvenience and assured payment of fines.