Satsuma, Alabama Speed Traps
On an empty lot on Hartley Rd..
Lot is surrounded by bushes that were planted when there was a business located here. Building was demolished long ago. Cops hide behind the bushes with radar.
Highway 43/Carwash 2 blocks from the high school
The police sit somewhere inside or around this carwash and monitor traffic; they also sit 1 block further down as you are traveling over the vie-dock from Satsuma into Saraland where the speed limit changes.
US Highway 43 near Interstate 65
The Satsuma Police Dept. run along Hwy 43 where the speed limit drops from 55MPH to 45MPH with radar and strictly enforce the 45MPH limit.
Hartley Road near State Highway 43
I would estimate that 65% of the time that I travel Hartley Road (which is a minimum of twice a day), I encounter a cop either with radar set up on the road-side or patrolling back and fourth on the road which is only about 3/4 of a mile long.
u.s. hwy. 43 @exit 19/south city limits
High patrol,no speed trap very visible on hwy.