Uniontown, Alabama Speed Traps

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Hwy 80

Uniontown, AlabamaDec 30, 20151 Comments

Keep in mind, Uniontown is located on that long, dark stretch of Hwy 80 between Selma & Interstate 20 and is often used as a short cut to Montgomery or through to Interstate 75 in Georgia. I was driving West from Selma at night. I had my cruise control set around 65 which was the posted legal speed. As soon as I saw the 55 mile an hour sign I disengaged my cruise and let the vehicle coast down to the required 35 miles per hour. I was amazed how close the speed reduction signs were posted so close together and made the comment to my daughter that you would almost have to slam on your breaks to meet their speed reduction requirement.
I was at the first stop light in the town when a police car pulled up behind me and turned on his lights.

The officer was polite and professional but his agenda was clear from the beginning. Write the ticket. No allowance for a driver to let his vehicle coast down to the required speed. No warning, no discussion.

I would challenge any driver doing 65 at night to slow to 55 before passing the sign without jamming on the brakes. During the day may be a different story but at night for travelers not aware they are entering a small town, it’s a guaranteed speeding ticket bonanza if law enforcement positions itself properly for the unsuspecting out of state traveler.

When you have out of state plates, they know you are not going to fight it so chi ching, another $235 in the city coffers and life is good in Uniontown. Whatever happend to “serve and protect” and integrity in government.

Shame on you Uniontown officials and shame on you State Attorney General of Alabama for allowing this to exist in your state.

Highway 80

Uniontown, AlabamaDec 01, 20141 Comments

Traveling west on Highway 80, the speed limit is 65 except in cities, construction zones and dangerous intersections. Outside the city limits of Uniontown, hwy 80 changes from a four lane to a three lane (passing lane). At the time of the lane change, there is a 55 speed limit sign. There are no other speed limit signs posted until city limits where the speed limit drops to 50. Out of town drivers not familiar with the road are concentrating on the lane change and may not notice the 55 speed limit sign. Both my mother and I missed the 55 speed limit sign. I had been very careful with my speed the entire time, but it is an easy sign to miss. It would be helpful to post another speed limit sign 100 yards past the lane change. After all, speed limits are about safety – not revenue. If the decrease in speed is to keep drivers safe, then make sure the signs are in optimal places for drivers to see and follow. If the decrease in speed is to generate revenue, then keep the one posted speed limit sign in the busy area of lane changes where driver’s will probably miss it. A quick Google search indicates Uniontown is known as a speedtrap.

Just East of Uniontown on Hwy 80 in view of 65 speed sign

Uniontown, AlabamaAug 04, 20140 Comments

July 4th 2014, traveling to Selma, Alabama…having made the drive from Huntsville, I was tired and trying to get to a hotel in Selma.The police officer looked a little upset that he was giving me a ticket. results no more trips to Uniontown, Alabama it on my list of places not to travel again. I was ticketed 73 mph in a 55 zone.This is a speed trap.

Uniontown Alabama

Uniontown, AlabamaOct 10, 20130 Comments

My husband, traveling through Uniontown, Alabama on 9/20/2013, was pulled over and given a speeding ticket for supposedly traveling 69 in a 55 zone. He is an extremely cautious, responsible driver and was, needless to say, surprised when he spoke to the officer who claimed that he was speeding and that the speed limit was posted 55 although ALL signs displayed were 65 MPH until right at the point the officer pulled over my husband. I will also include that this all took place on a four-lane highway in the middle of nowhere with no traffic at all. When I got online to check potential cost for this ticket, I found the following link: http://www.speedtrap.org/city/278/Uniontown – Apparently, this illegal technique is implemented so often in Uniontown, Alabama that it merits its own WEBSITE…

Just east of town on U.S. 80

Uniontown, AlabamaSep 19, 20130 Comments

The same thing happened to me that happened to the others here. On July 20, 2013, I had my cruise control set on 65, the posted speed limit, heading west toward Uniontown, but it was still in the country. I passed a slow-moving car, which then turned on its lights and pulled me over. It was a uniformed policeman in an unmarked car. He said the speed had dropped from 55 to 65. I didn’t notice until I called on Sept. 19 that my ticket said I was going 70! The ticket was pre-printed, not handwritten. The fine, for having my cruise control on what I thought was the speed limit: $235.

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