Uniontown, Alabama Speed Traps
US 80 east of Uniontown approximately 5 miles out of town
If you travel US 80 east of Uniontown watch out!! You will be on a 2 lane highway with a double yellow line for approximately 5 miles and you might get behind a van from Florida traveling about 30 mph. After traveling behind this van you observe a section of the highway that you can pass but one thing you will notice is you are approaching a hill so you speed up and get around the slow van and the next thing you see in the woods on top of the hill is lights everywhere and yes you are caught and given a speeding award 69/55 $209.00. While you are getting your ticket you look and the Florida van turns around and goes back for another victim. Also the officer tells you this is a very busy highway and you go for miles and finally meet a vehicle on this busy highway.
Uniontown, Alabama
Coming west on Hwy. 80 toward Uniontown AL enroute to Jackson, MS today I was pulled over after 5 miles upon entering into Uniontown. The cop told me that was I driving 69 in a 55 mph speed zone. 5 miles back??? Are you kidding? At the time he pulled me over I was driving the speed limit. I did not recall speeding at any time. The only thing I can remember was obeying the speed signs.
on US Hwy 80 right outside of Uniontown coming into town
Coming into Uniontown using Hwy 80 West, the speed changes from 65 to 55 very fast and without warning. I go through this town going to and from MS at least 2-4 times a month. EVERYBODY knows this town as a speed trap. I pay attention to my speed all the time. Right after the limit changed from 65 to 55 b/c I didn’t slow down fast enough for the cop I guess. He did a u turn through 3 lanes and came up behind me. Now I owe this town $209 for doing 65 in a 55…I have read other reviews of this town…looks like ticket prices have gone up…
US Highway 80
Beware! Uniontown is as crooked as they come. I had gotten a ticket coming into town when the speed limit changed from 65 to 55 and I didn’t realize it. I decided to go to court to pay my ticket in person. I took an afternoon off of work to go there…paid my ticket ($209)….and get this….on the way out of town…I got another ticket!! So they got me coming in and going out. The city policeman giving me the ticket was way out of line. After he gave me the ticket…when I was getting ready to drive off…he told me he had his foot under my car and if I drove off that he was going to arrest me for assault. It was dark at the time and…being a female…. to be honest with you…I was a little nervous. They have a serious abuse of power down there and I really felt like the whole courtroom was a bunch of crooks. They have gotten the last of my hard earned money. I hate that town.
A Few Miles East of Uniontown Heading West on U.S. Hwy. 80
I would join a class-action suit against this town if somebody knew how to do it. Get our money back and fire their police force and judges. This place could hardly afford its own police force. My guess is instead of taxes they pay for their town by running a speed scam on out-of -state motorists.
I had just left an inspiring day In Selma honoring MLK and set my cruise control precisely at 65. The speed suddenly and without warning dropped from 65 to 55. There was one sign saying so. The cop lied and claimed there were “3 or 4” such signs but I drove back over the route and there was only the one. My view of that one sign was blocked by an 8-car-carrying trailer racing far faster than I was driving. But I had an out of state plate and was pulled over. $183.00. I appealed to the state AAA ,which referred me to the state attorney general, who said he couldn’t do anything about it.
What I can do about it is avoid Alabama from now on. This town and state are spoiling citizens’ respect for the law.