Warrior, Alabama Speed Traps
I-65 Southbound around EXIT 282
6 to 8 State Troopers sit on the on ramp to I-65 southbound at EXIT 282 usually on Saturday’s pulling speeders over between EXIT 282 and EXIT 280.
I-65 near estate
Warrior police HAS been seen on interstate before. May or may not be operating in the future. Black car with dark blue lettering. If ticketed, you might want to talk to an attorney about the following Code of Alabama – Title 32: Motor Vehicles And Traffic – Section 32-5A-171. I am not an attorney and the decision is yours. My last comments were deleted without explanation and no e-mail contact to know why. I hope this is acceptable message to help the public.
Interstate 65
Warrior police department on patrol on I-65. Warrior has a population of 3169 as of year 2000 cenus and declining. According to Alabama state law, Warrior is not large enough to enforce traffic laws on the interstate. Any ticket is illegal regardless of what police and local court says. Might have to use the full due process required to you and take it to Jefferson County Court. Warrior has no legal right to enforce traffic laws on interstates. They have a New car. It is black with dark black lettering on in saying police, but hard to read by design. Do not let anyone search your car. They must have a warrent and they are hard to get regardless of lip service police may give you. They like to pull over indendent truckers and cars with drivers that my profile as high risk for drugs. Remember, it is in black and white that Warrior is too small to enforce interstate traffic laws.
Highway 31
BEWARE! The Warrior PD is out in full force, and violations as slight as TWO MILES PER HOUR over the speed limit can cause you to get pulled over or ticketed. Favorite hiding spots: the carwash just north of "downtown" and the church on the corner of Warrior-Jasper road. I personally have been ticketed on a Sunday night at 2:30 am for coming to a "rolling stop" at a stop sign, after I in fact came to a complete stop. On another occasion, my wife was pulled over at 5:30 A.M. for going 2 miles over the RIDICULOUS 30 MPH speed limit, and greeted with the phrase, "Where’s the fire, honey?" Also, don’t be surprised to be pulled over for "not wearing your seatbelt," even if you ARE wearing it. Best course of action: take the interstate… it’s a heckuvalot safer.
These guys are obviously bored out of their minds in this town, and driven to write citations to meet some kind of sick quota.
I-65 N and S Exits 280-284
Construction is ongoing in this location. I travel this road everyday to and from work and have only had a few days over the past six (6) months when I didn’t see someone receiving a citation. Fortunately, I have not been one of them. Speed should be lowered here because of construction but the state Gestapo seem to take advantage of it. They hide behind construction vehicles and just over the crests of hills (usually), or sit a few miles from where the road work is actually being done (where the 50 mph speed limit is unnecessary). The troopers who are out in the open at the start of the construction area are serving a useful function to remind people to slow down while driving through the work area. Out-of-state drivers beware!