Mesa, Arizona Speed Traps
E Brown Rd & N Higley Rd
Photo Radar. Red light and Speeding in both directions.
I60 Expressway near Exit Number 180
New cameras have been installed on the Westbound lanes of I60 just after the Stapley Road exit (they are between Exits 181 and 179)
Hawes Street near Southern Avenue
The speed limit has been changed from 45mph to 30mph. Law enforcement is present several times a week, hidng behind the fence.
Lindsay Road near Southern Avenue
School zone between Freeway underpass and Southern Avenue on Lindsay Rd. Officer will sit by 1/2 wall on East side of street across from School. Speed Limit on this section is 35 MPH. Using Laser technology.
Ellsworth Street near Elliott and Guadalupe Roads
One of two motorcycle cops sit in the Mesquite Canyon Development and use the radar gun every morning. They are clocking people heading North on Ellsworth towards Guadalupe. Speed limit is 45mpm.