Star Valley, Arizona Speed Traps

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At bottom of hill entering town

Star Valley, ArizonaMay 02, 20170 Comments

As others have noted, it’s there and I got tagged 2x. I think it was $212/ticket (March of 2016). I live on the east coast and was in a rental car (and the rental car company charged me $25. $424 in fines!?? No, that’s not a speed trap. I might have thought about paying it if it were $25 just to make the problem go away. But I just tore up the tickets. It’s now over a year and I haven’t heard a thing and I just renewed my registration and license. So, advice to people not from the local states, IGNORE. Screw these podunk towns.

Entrance into town from both directions

Star Valley, ArizonaNov 28, 20160 Comments

Highway robbery by this pos town. The only way to right this wrong is to Boycott the business’s in Star Valley. They then might be compelled to stop the money grab and exist as honest Americans as the rest of us strive. I personally will never spend a dime in Star Valley and encourage others to ignore this town to the point that a message is sent to their crooked politicians that we will not stand by and tolerate this gross miscarriage of law enforcement. BOYCOTT (money is the only thing that talks to these people)

Star Valley Arizona

Star Valley, ArizonaSep 29, 20160 Comments

In 2014 I was on my way to Colorado, my rout took me through this small 6.371 mi. town. I don’t even remember going through it. (I had too look it up on the map)
I recently decided to move to Seattle, I went to get a Washington Drivers License, that’s when I was told my license was suspended because of this ticket. I’ve had my AZ plates renew, but never got the noticed, when I asked them why I was told it was still in my old name (my car is a 2004). The mailman only delivers to the name on the box. That’s probably why I never got anything from Star Valley. I never received a ticket. And I was never served. Now this ticked is like $500. There is something wrong with this town, I believe it is a scam to get money. They call it a Speed Trap – they are the ones who should be arrested and charged.

EB Hwy 260 Mile Marker 255.69

Star Valley, ArizonaAug 17, 20160 Comments

This was not fair. I was just on my way camping, coming down a hill going into Star Valley. when at the Marker of EB Hwy 260 Mile Marker 255.26 and then another one at EB Hwy 260 Mile Marker 255.69. I understand and accept my fault for the 1st ticket. But, the second one was unnecessary. I get it that the police department have quotas and must meet them, and also need money, but this is not the way to achieve their goal.

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