Camden, Arkansas Speed Traps
US Highway 274
Traveling east or westbound there is usually an East Camden Police officer backed into the daycare that is on Hwy 274. Traffic coming westbound will not be able to see him. Also he sometimes sits on the road by these apartment complexes which again if you are traveling westbound you will not be able to see him.
State Highway 7
The four lane highway between Camden and EL Doradoin the evening times is like fishing in a barrel for the State Police. I regularly travel this stretch of road and as the four lane comes out of ElDorado or Camden, expect to see State police within about five miles out of each town. They are there for the most part every day. The posted limit is 65, but there are sections with in the 65 zones that drop to as low as 45 and this is where they nab you.
main road to area of workers plants
Officers have two cars and one is unmarked. They both have the new led over heads and you can not see them until its to late because the cars a dark blue and they do not shine at night. The citations are high so slow down.