Cave Springs, Arkansas Speed Traps
State Highway 264
Cave Springs, population 1,103 (2000 census). City ordinance 2006-22, Imprudent driving, 100% of ticket revenue into city coffers. Ticket revenue $134,492.25 Jan/Jun 2008 (expenses $405,714.54 same period.
Arkansas Code 12-8-402(1): "Abusing police power means the exercise of police power to enforce criminal and traffic laws for the principal purpose of raising revenue and not for the purpose of public safety".
Arkansas code 12-8-403(B)(1) limits city revenues from traffic fines to 30% of city expenditures. Cave Springs exceeds 30%.
Per Benton County Prosecutor Van Stone, these facts "…do not provide sufficient grounds to request an investigation…".
State Highway 264 and 112 near State Highway Hwy 112
Don’t even try this one. The guys are gung ho and love to write as many tiskets as they can.
State Highway 264 near US Highway 112
This town at one time had a great Police Force. That has changed now and the new officers love finding people to give tickets to. Not the brightest group of officers but they only do what there overpaid mayor tells them to. Gotta pay her salary.