Clinton, Arkansas Speed Traps

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Clinton AR

Clinton, ArkansasSep 24, 20181 Comments

I was driving the same speed as everyone else around me. Maybe 5 miles over the speed limit. I was the only one pulled over and the only one with out of state plates. He said I was driving 60 in a 45. He walked up so slowly I thought there was something wrong and then stood back so far it hurt my neck to look back at him. Don’t speed through Clinton. Not even a few miles over the limit…especially if your from out of state.

Highway 65 near McDonalds

Clinton, ArkansasMay 12, 20170 Comments

45mph limit, if you go 55 it’s going to cost you $200.

Clinton, Arkansas

Clinton, ArkansasJan 22, 20160 Comments

Don’t EVER speed through Clinton, Ar either…
You HAVE to go through Clinton, Arkansas if you plan to go to Branson, Mo.

I was stopped THREE different times, and two times, I was never going more than 3 mph over the speed limit.
On third time, I was going 10 mph under the speed limit, and was stopped … AGAIN. I was told I was “going too slow, and ‘impeding’ traffic”. When I asked “What traffic, (I was the ONLY vehicle on the road), he wrote another ticket for “Insubordination to a law enforcement officer”.
I drove back from Branson, Mo through Hwy 7 at Harrison, which is a twisting pig trail, and added an extra TWO hours.
ALL of Highway 65 from Conway to Harrison is nothing more than a route of extortion. It is the ONLY convenient route to Branson without having to go way out of the way, and the crooked cops know it.

State Highway 65

Clinton, ArkansasMar 19, 20091 Comments

The speed limit is 45mph through town on a state highway. In the middle of the night, I turned my cruise control off as I entered the town and the trooper ticketed me for 62 in a 45 at the sign. He also searched my vehicle for 25 min. I’m a firefighter and he even searched though my medical bag that I carry in my truck.

State Highway 65 near State Highway 65

Clinton, ArkansasMay 13, 20080 Comments

45mph through town on a state highway. Middle of the night I turned my cruise control off as I entered in town and the trooper ticketed me for 62 in a 45 at the sign. Plus he searched my vehicle for 25 min. I’m a firefighter and he even searched though my medical bag that I carry in my truck.


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