Damascus, Arkansas Speed Traps

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Hwy 65 towards/coming from Harrison,AR,Branson & Springfield

Damascus, ArkansasJun 30, 20104 Comments

There will always be a police officer sitting somewhere in this town – always. This is, in my opinion, the worst speed trap in the entire state of Arkansas.

US Highway 65

Damascus, ArkansasSep 23, 20091 Comments

Radar is constantly used within the town limits. Police cars sit behind the trees on the south end of the city. Approximately, two out of three times I go through the city the police are there.

State Highway 65

Damascus, ArkansasJul 11, 20080 Comments

This whole towm makes its total revenue off of catching out of speeders


US Highway 65 near Damascus Sign

Damascus, ArkansasJun 08, 20070 Comments

RADAR is constantly used within the town limits. Police cars sit behind the trees on the south end of the city. Approximately, two out of three times I go through the city the police are running RADAR.

US Highway 65 near County Trunk Van Buren

Damascus, ArkansasDec 30, 20051 Comments

Damascus is a short distance from Greenbrier,AR and is a continuation of the speed trap.Greenbrier frequently reports target vehicles by radio to Damascus.The little berg has no industry.They prey on traffic headed for Branson,Missouri.Concentration is on out of state vehicles.Also beware of Batesville mountain just before the town limits.It is a steep descent and you have to ride the brakes to comply with the 55mph speed limit.

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