Damascus, Arkansas Speed Traps
US Highway 65 near County Trunk 124
Small town that the speed lowers while passing thru and the bluelights are just waiting to get turned on.
Hwy 65 (middle of town)
Town cop sits in the middle of town next to post office in a marked police vehicle.
US 65
Anywhere in town watch your speed. Coming in from the south part of town the speed limit drops from 55 to 45 as the four-lane turns into two-lane coming into town. Speed limit drops to 40 going into the middle of town. Cops can be anywhere in town, and usually only one patrol car is on duty. Their newest car is a new white unmarked Crown Vic. Don’t go 5 over, especially if you are out of state.
Hwy 65
Coming up Hwy 65N as you enter in the speed limit drops from 55mph to 40mph and 30mph then right back up to 55 mph they sit behind bushes houses and there is a little store on the right they sit right inbetween the building and a small ally