El Dorado, Arkansas Speed Traps

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US 82 Entering El Dorado from the West (from Magnolia)

El Dorado, ArkansasFeb 23, 20170 Comments

Speed limit reduces from 55 to 45. State Troopers routinely setup in and around Creech’s Cash & Carry gas station/store. There is a sign warning you that the speed limit is reduced ahead, but it’s easy to go too fast as it still feels like you’re on the open highway.

End of East Hillsboro

El Dorado, ArkansasJan 20, 20140 Comments

State troopers sit across from the end of East Hillsboro (stop sign) facing back towards town as the speed limit drops to 35 from 45.

U.S. Highway 167 Near Champagnolle Rd. by Baseball Complex

El Dorado, ArkansasApr 06, 20130 Comments

County Sheriffs cars and State Trooper cars are set up there to monitor drivers coming in and out of the El Dorado Baseball Complex and drivers who turn on Champagnolle when exiting Highway 167. They are hard to find and high school drivers are often the ones who get pulled over when arriving at or leaving the Baseball Complex.

Griffith St. across from the Fire Station

El Dorado, ArkansasApr 06, 20130 Comments

El Dorado police and occasionally state police sit in the small parking lot on Griffith St. across from the small fire station.

Hwy 82 east side of El Dorado

El Dorado, ArkansasDec 17, 20101 Comments

Hwy 82 bypass east side of El Dorado, AR drops from 65 to 55 to 45 mph in short distance, in and near, Industrial Road and Joe`s Grocery and Brummett`s Grocery.

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