Fairfield Bay, Arkansas Speed Traps

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Inside Fairfield Bay on Dave Creek

Fairfield Bay, ArkansasNov 27, 20110 Comments

The Fairfield Bay Police hide in the Indian Rock Village parking lot to watch cars going north down the grade between Lost Creek and Goodwin and Daughters. This location is nothing but a speed trap for people who don’t ride their brakes down that hill. I have heard a lot of complaints about their tactics. I have seen several visitors who have been stopped for "speeding" on that slope. If they want to slow cars on that grade, they can do so by parking in the pull off on the west side of the street across from IRV. Visibility will slow more cars than picking off drivers one at a time.

4 way S.S. at Hy 330 (no Hy sign) and New Road/BurntRidge.

Fairfield Bay, ArkansasNov 10, 20101 Comments

Beware!!! Cops (townies,sheriffs,and even state cops) hide ALL around this intersection. They are behind the buildings,trees,etc. I was pulled over lately by a local cop for no seat beat,I asked where he saw me, (I looked everywhere) and he said behind trees. He said he was using binoculars to look for no seat belts. Beware!!!!!! This intersection is where Lott’s C store/car wash/thrift store/water tower is at.

in the White River Insurance parking lot

Fairfield Bay, ArkansasOct 04, 20100 Comments

Between the main enterance and the country club entrance to the parking lot of the White River Insurance agency. Usually between 7 am and 9 am, but also around 4 pm. The speed limit is 45 and they will get you coming down the hill from the main entrance on Highway 16.

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