Fayetteville, Arkansas Speed Traps
University of Arkansas
UA DPS loves to sit in parking lots and hide behind signs waiting for drivers to exceed the silly speed limits around the campus. Maple Street and Razorback Road are city streets and are heavily traveled around the edge of campus, and the DPS love to set up speedtraps. What about covering campus?
Bedford Video south of the mall & north of Fiesta Square.
The police sit in Bedford Video parking lot in the evening and at night running radar. It is a hiding spot for them with their lights off, and they nail speeders left and right.
E. Huntsville Rd between S. Morningside Drive and S. Wood Av
Coming from the east after Highway 16 turns into Huntsville Road, the westbound traffic speed limit will drop from 35 mph to 25 mph. However, the 25 mph signs are hidden by tree branches and leaves for 8-9 months of the year. City & utility workers do not trim the obstructions. 35 mph westbound traffic is coming down a small hill and it is hard enough to slow down even when you know the sign is there. Driving 25 mph through that area will slow everyone down and cause traffic congestions – so there are always a ready supply of potential ticket-payers when the Fayetteville police need to keep up the ticket inventory and keep the courthouse full.
The police will either sit in the parking lot on the south side of Huntsville Road near S. Morningside Drive, or park on either S. Lytton or S. Blair on the north side of Huntsville Rd. Folks coming from Sixth Street should not speed up as they depart the residential area on Sixth or they will get nailed by the copy hiding off to one side or the other on Huntsville Road just before the speed limit changes to 35 mph.
I have seen cops sitting in the dark on Huntsville Rd on many evenings. I suspect that these guys used to work for the police in the City of Elkins – they love to play “Gotcha” and give tickets.
E. Sycamore Street (Off Greg Avenue/College Avenue)
When turning off Gregg onto E. Sycamore St or when driving from W. Sycamore going straight, you will go up a fairly large hill. When driving over the hill, the officer sits to your right in the small drive of a parking lot which is very difficult to see. The posted speed limit is very clearly posted at 25, but as you top the hill the momentum of the vehicle pushes you over 25 unless you are Very conscious of it and brake while going down the hill. Similarly, you must be careful when going up the hill from the opposite direction from off College Avenue going west (officer to your left).
Joyce Drive
Be careful on Joyce Drive; this stretch of road is monitored very closely!