Hot Springs, Arkansas Speed Traps
McLeod Street near MLK Bypass
From the Exit Ramp on Exit Three turning right onto McLeod all of the way to Panama Street. The speed limit starts out at 40 MPH and changes to 25 MPH at the little bridge. There is a curve in the road after the speed change where they sit there and wait.
270 Expressway near Exit Number 1
Hot Springs highway 270 bypass at the West end of the bypass the 65 mph drops to 55mph then 45mph in less then a quarter mile and the local police set up at this speed trap regularly. Because of the grade is is difficult to see the reduced speed limit signs until you are right on them. If you are a tourist in a tourist town you are set up for the pickin…
Files Road near US Highway 7
The speed limit on Files road is 25mph and you can find a cop with a radar gun all along from Central Ave. to Section Line road most of the day.
US Highway 70 East near US Highway 70 East
Highway 70 east from Hot Springs to interstate 30 is posted at 55 but the 83% drive at 65 or better and the troopers work the entire section of hwy 70. Sometimes they set and watch and sometimes they patrol, but they are usually out there somewhere..
Martin Luther King Bypass near US Highway 270
Traveling East on the MLK Bypass at the end there is frequently a Trooper there. The speed limit goes from 65 to 55 to 45 in a short distance. There is a slight bend in the road and just out of sight is where you will find the friendly Trooper. Good luck getting out of this one!