Jacksonville, Arkansas Speed Traps

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Hwy 161 that runs into North First St.

Jacksonville, ArkansasApr 12, 20100 Comments

If you are traveling North on North First St. going toward the cemetary and Kroger’s and you are passing Stonewall Apartments, the police sits inside the brick wall that shields the apartments from the street. There is no way for you to see them inside the wall.

Shell Station @ Main and T.P. White

Jacksonville, ArkansasMar 21, 20100 Comments

There is always a cop car sitting at Main and T.P. White waiting for people to come in speeding on Main (25 mile an hour speed limit) or off the off-ramp on 67/167 coming onto T.P. White. High accident/high speed trap area.

Main Street near Jacksonville Cutoff

Jacksonville, ArkansasJul 25, 20080 Comments

Jacksonville PD and Sherwood PD work their side of the big hill between Jacksonville and Gravel Ridge. Its really easy to get above the posted 35MPH limit beacause of the down grade. I see speeding stops in this area almost every day.


Main Street Street near Used car lot near Sutherland’s

Jacksonville, ArkansasOct 01, 20070 Comments

Police park in the used car lot on Main Street across from Sutherland’s, posing as a vehicle in the lot. Speed limit is 35 mph on this 4 lane road even though it is safe to 45 mph. Police are ticketing via radar in both East and West directions in this area at all times of day.

State Highway 161 near North First Street

Jacksonville, ArkansasAug 14, 20070 Comments

Local police sit well back at the Cemetery just above a rise in the street, so you cannot see them. The cemetary is just across the street from Kroger store. They eventually switch sides of the road and sit in an alley off the Kroger parking lot. This is a common practice that anyone traveling the road frequently will recognize. Be careful slow down at the first red light north or south.

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