Madison, Arkansas Speed Traps
city streets, Hwy 50
speed goes from 55 to 45 to 35 to 25 within a total of about 100 yards. graffiti covers some signs and some are hidden by trees. Local police target you and then follow you through town and then give you a ticket for usually 41 in a 25 (school zone). They refuse to show their radar gun, calibration logs, or certification to run the radar. If you ask too many questions, the officers will unclip their gun in order to intimidate you. I was targeted from in the middle of three other vehicles, the rest turned into different residential areas in town just before I left the city limits. I was also accused by the officer of being a racist due to my asking questions about her equipment. I ended up just paying the citation due the town using a traveling judge instead of it being paid for at the county level. It is a pretty good sign of a speed trap when you have to pay or defend yourself in their police station instead of a real court of law.
All over
Hwy 20 when you get off I-565 all the way down to County Line Rd.County Line Rd. is a favorite place to run the speed trap,It is a 50 Mph zone in a desolite area.Huges Rd. is another favorite place,also Madison Pike.Beware driving anywhere in Madison because they are everywhere creating revenue.