Maumelle, Arkansas Speed Traps

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White Oak Crossing (between Maumelle Blvd and I-40)

Maumelle, ArkansasNov 11, 20190 Comments

On White Oak Crossing, the new road connecting Maumelle to the new interchange with I-40. The speed limit is ridiculously low, 30-40 mph, and Maumelle PD and the State Police are already heavily patrolling it.

Odom North Boulevard near Emerald Drive

Maumelle, ArkansasAug 28, 20070 Comments

Maumelle Police will park in the Median and zap those going both directions on Odom Blvd North. Watch your speed, it is very easy to find yourself going much faster here.

Maumelle Blvd. (Hwy 100)

Maumelle, ArkansasJan 01, 20020 Comments

East bound heading from Maumelle to N. Little Rock, the speed limit drops from 50 to 40 for about 200 yards.

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