Rockport, Arkansas Speed Traps

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Babcock Street starts at Nix Road to exit 99 on I-30.

Rockport, ArkansasMar 20, 20180 Comments

Rockport Police sitting in yards behind trees and garbage cans. The street grade is up and down. One big hill which the Police faces watching you come down then gives you a ticket for speeding. The police says he can do this.

Tanner Road leaving Malvern, AR (Close to Ouachita River Bridge)

Rockport, ArkansasFeb 14, 20100 Comments

30 mph on long stretch from Malvern to I-30 overpass on Tanner Rd. This is considered Rockport city limits. At night police sit in dark on right-hand side clocking.

I-30 Exit 98

Rockport, ArkansasAug 07, 20080 Comments

They are a little town with no money coming in unless they write tickets. So I have been told they write around 200+ a month. They will write for any and everything.


State Highway 270 near Interstate 40

Rockport, ArkansasJun 16, 20040 Comments

Dash mounted radar gun, moving vechicle toward oncoming traffic.

US 270

Rockport, ArkansasJan 01, 20020 Comments

Hot Spring County Sheriff recently deputized the entire Rockport P.D. Now they are all over 270 in the Magnet Cove area, as well as Rockport. They are even pulling people over and writing tickets in the city of Malvern, Arkansas.

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