Sunset, Arkansas Speed Traps

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Hwy 77

Sunset, ArkansasJan 10, 20220 Comments

A newly renovated Sunset police department with new officers and citizens and they are writing tickets all day on HW.77 for stupid speed amounts and none of the citizens are gonna push the speedtrap issue! Remember the Intersections are 25, Neighborhoods roads are 15, and State Highways are 45! Be sure to drop your speed to 45 when entering Sunset city limits or close to, they have plenty officers waiting and be sure to be far out before you start to pick up more speed, they also have officers sitting outside of city limits issuing citations!

Town intersections

Sunset, ArkansasDec 28, 20210 Comments

Speed limit is 25 they have no limit posted they just are constantly writing tickets all day and running DWI checkpoints constantly arresting individuals.

Highway 77

Sunset, ArkansasDec 28, 20210 Comments

Sitting behind a building no lights on, off of Highway 77; speed limits starts at 45 then picks back up at 55 then drops to 45 again. Sunset Police are writing 57 in a 45 all day long, $525 fine.

State Highway 61 near Interstate 55

Sunset, ArkansasMay 06, 20051 Comments

Parking off of the highway, claiming to clock on radar, though radar unit was never seen.

State Highway 77

Sunset, ArkansasMar 01, 20020 Comments

Local prosecuting attorney can find no evidence of any Sunset officer being certified to operate the radar. Being an all black town, no one is going to rock the boat. You are on your own!!!!!

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