West Fork, Arkansas Speed Traps

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All of West Fork and surrounding area.

West Fork, ArkansasJan 09, 20190 Comments

West Fork Police is preying on traffic outside their jurisdiction and have been recently exposed in the local media. They use newly added computers in their patrol car’s and form road blocks and troll through business parking lots running tags and cross referencing their owners checking for warrants, driving on suspended, no insurance, profiling, and criminal histories. They do this for no reason and seem to be getting away with it from ACIC. Beware of this city especially out of towner’s.

West Fork, going northbound in open turn around area

West Fork, ArkansasAug 13, 20120 Comments

Every morning I take this route to work. I have been followed many times, I drive a sporty looking car with rims. I’m a 45 yr old female. Usually they get behind me. run my tag,,, I then let my window down and look at them, they look at me , I look at them,,, they slow down, and go back to their trapping area. Im looking to find the correct person to send this complaint to. I know they’re there, I dont speed, i’m on cruise control,, so when passing them,, why am I followed? hmmmmmm this happens atleast 3 times a month!!! i work in Northwest Arkansas,, but live in Ft. Smith, so I travel this higway,,EVERYDAY!!

Just north of West Fork, AR on I540

West Fork, ArkansasJan 26, 20121 Comments

Officers from Washington County, Fayetteville, West Fork, Springdale and the State Patrol routinely have a tag team setup attacking northbound traffic. You can set your watch by the regularity of their presence. Hiding behind the onramp overpass and relaying the info to each other. They must use Vascar as my radar detector never goes off.

How is it that all the community police can patrol so far south of their respective towns? "They" must all be very proud of themselves!?

I am in the area on a monthly basis. A bonified speed trap!

I 540 between Winslow and Fayetteville

West Fork, ArkansasFeb 03, 20112 Comments

If you are in the traffic heading to or from a Razorback football game or basketball game in Fayetteville be advised that officers from a half dozen nearby communities set up a tag team catch and ticket operation. Locals know this, but if you travel a great distance, don’t expect to be able to travel at the same speed as the "flow" of traffic. Do you suppose that they target out of state drivers since they will unlikely take the court route? Hmmmm

Interstate 540

West Fork, ArkansasMar 15, 20084 Comments

Last week or so—Springdale PD, Fayetteville Pd, Washington county PD and the Arkansas State Police have been running speed trap/vehicle checks north and south of the West Fork overpass on I-540. I didn’t realize that city PD’s from 30 miles away had any jurisdiction on the interstate—I must be mistaken.


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