Sidney, British Columbia Speed Traps

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McDonald Park Rd-Wain Rd

Sidney, British ColumbiaOct 05, 20100 Comments

Heading Northbound obviously.

Be very cautious about speeding towards the ferry from Beacon Ave to the terminal. That whole stretch is trouble.

Pat Bay Highway to Ferry terminal both directions Expressway near Tssawwsen to Royal Oak

Sidney, British ColumbiaApr 13, 20080 Comments

Radar enforcement is usual esp. at ferry landing times in both directions (so dont be in a hurry off or on the ferry) Radar is most often located (above or below) Royal Oak or Weiler pedestrian overpass,before Beacon street turn off to Sidney. It is often located at the crossroads of Ardwell Ave (the church or the info station) or just before the landsdown/passenger terminal exit.

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