Anaheim, California Speed Traps

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Railroad Crossing near Orangethorpe

Anaheim, CaliforniaOct 17, 20070 Comments

They are stopping people going north on any of the streets crossing over the railroad tracks south of Orangethorpe. There are TWO lights you must stop at, if it is red, one prior to the railroad track, and you cannot proceed over the tracks and make a legal right turn on a red – NO CROSSING THE TRACKS and NO RIGHT TURN ON RED!

Interstate 5 South near Brookhurst Street

Anaheim, CaliforniaOct 16, 20070 Comments

Traveling on the 5 south, two lanes must exit at Brookhurst. If you try to cross the solid white line to get in to traffic, avoiding the exit, he’s got you. CHP sits under the over crossing just ahead.

brookhurst Avenue near brookmoore Boulevard

Anaheim, CaliforniaOct 09, 20070 Comments

Theres a bike cop posted either on the sidewalk or around the Washington Mutual. Usually pulling people over for comming out of the Ralphs parking lot, and making a left turn. This is a right turn only. WATCH OUT!

Cerritos Avenue near Gilbert Avenue

Anaheim, CaliforniaSep 24, 20070 Comments

Heading east on Cerritos you can clearly see a CHP officer who sits in a lip caused as the street gets wider. He is always facing westbound. If you are traveling west (the officer is on your right) on Cerritos the lip is right before the light at Gilbert and Cerritos in front of a church, and you can not see it due to large trees and shrubs.

Harbor Boulevard near Wilhelmina Street

Anaheim, CaliforniaSep 18, 20070 Comments

The motor bike cop sits on the corner of Wilhelmina. The officer’s usually strict since harbor is a 35 MPH zone and is a residential area. Do Not Pass 35 MPH!

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