Anaheim, California Speed Traps

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1051 S. East St.

Anaheim, CaliforniaOct 02, 20020 Comments

Motorcycle policeman hides behind the Cool 94.3 FM Radio Station Sign. Southbound traffic cannot see him at all. The sign is a progression of 3 to 4 rectangles that are large at the base and smaller at the top. Prefect to hide a motorcycle and its rider.

La Palma, between Imperial(Hwy 90) and Yorba Linda Blvd

Anaheim, CaliforniaDec 01, 20000 Comments

This is a well-known speed trap for those in the anaheim hills/yorba linda area. This is about a 5 mile stretch of road, two lanes both directions with a big divider in the middle. it parallels the Yorba Regional Park. the speed limit heading west is 45mph, but heading east is 40mph(very few signs on this side denoting it as such). Often they will use one cop hiding down a residential street, and then another cop maybe two streets down, so if you see someone pulled over, DONT think you’re in the clear. they’ll pull you over for anything more than 5mph. use extreme caution in speeding on this street, any time of the day.

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