Arcadia, California Speed Traps
Tenth Avenue near Longden Avenue
Cop was spotted at around 12:30 pm inside his Crown Vic on the corner of Tenth Ave and Longden Ave shooting radar at the 4 way stop sign. On this stretch of Tenth Ave past Longden Ave, it is very easy to go 40 in this residential neighborhood when the traffic conditions are light. Sometimes he can be found on Saturdays shooting radar as well. Very easy to spot, just don’t run the stop sign or do any rolling stops. And those with exhausts, be careful.
Colorado Boulevard near Horse Racing Track
It is on colorado Blvd where it turns into Huntington Dr. near Santa Anita. When Colorado curve to the right and driving down right by the race track, cops will either be waiting on the right side of the road or staying in motel parking lot on the leFort Since there is a curve right before the road, it is hard to spot them. the speed limit is 40, but since it is a downslope road, people get caught. they are there 3 out of 10 times i pass.
Santa Anita Ave, The Arboretum, south of the 210 freeway
Cars will sit in the parking lot of the Arboretum hidden by trees looking for people going southbound down Santa Anita Ave. They are there VERY frequently.
Arcadia Public Library, at Durate Rd. and Santa Anita Ave.
The officers may hide at the parking entrace of Arcadia public library