Bakersfield, California Speed Traps

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Castro Lane near La France Drive

Bakersfield, CaliforniaDec 28, 20070 Comments

C.H.P. watch this 25 M.P.H. school zone very closely. Sometimes as many as four officers at a time. They watch for traffic coming off Ming Ave. north bound onto Castro Ln. and south bound from Belle Terrece.

State Highway 178 near Oswell Street

Bakersfield, CaliforniaDec 23, 20070 Comments

CHP sits in an obstructed open area on the side of eastbound 178 (behind East Hills Mall).

State Highway 178 near Beale/Haley Exits Avenue

Bakersfield, CaliforniaDec 23, 20070 Comments

CHP sits under the overpass on westbound 178. I’ve seen them there at many different times in a day.

30th Street near Q Street

Bakersfield, CaliforniaNov 30, 20070 Comments

Motorcycle cop under shade tree on east bound lane with radar/lidar, mainly during business hours.

State Highway 58 Westbound near Exit Number Edison

Bakersfield, CaliforniaNov 29, 20070 Comments

CHP likes to nab people down on the flats after they zoom down the hill from Tehachapi. Speed limit is 65 or 70 but most are going 80 or more. Sometimes groups of CHP will nab blocks of speeders at once.

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