Encinitas, California Speed Traps

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Birmingham and Lake Dr.

Encinitas, CaliforniaApr 04, 20150 Comments

Cops will sit near the greenhouses and wait for people to roll the stop sign in the quiet neighborhood.

Rancho Santa Fe Road/El Camino del Norte

Encinitas, CaliforniaOct 04, 20100 Comments

MC’s hide deep on side streets and watch for those who do not come to a complete stop at a series of stop signs. The locals are getting used to this, I watch motorists look left and right on the lookout. I have seen 3 MC’s at one time on this short stretch…keep your eyes peeled and come to complete stop!

North El Camino Real northbound

Encinitas, CaliforniaApr 16, 20100 Comments

MC waiting in driveway of Michaels. Circuit city mall..posted 35…easy pickings

Santa Fe Drive near Lake Street

Encinitas, CaliforniaOct 01, 20080 Comments

Just west of Lake St. 3 way intersection it’s easy to drift above the posted speed limit and it changes. Also enforces 25mph on Santa Fe when the high school kids are out morning, lunch, and afternoon. After two kids got killed close to the freeway enforcement has gone up quite a bit on Santa Fe.

Wandering Road near Gardenview Road

Encinitas, CaliforniaApr 19, 20080 Comments

Sheriff sits on Wandering Road waiting for Eastbound traffic on Gardenview to roll through the stop sign making a right turn. Will stand outside of his vehicle and point you to the curb if you roll the stop.

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