Grass Valley, California Speed Traps
2 miles beyond downtown, Rough and Ready highway by church
on Rough and Ready Highway, 2 miles outside of downtown Grass Valley, there is a mile stretch where limit drops to 35, because of houses and church, but everyone drives 55 to 50. speed limit is 45 to either side of the 35MPH speed trap area
Across the street from the corner of Ridge and Alta.
At night there is often a police car in the vacant parking lot!
Highway 49 @ Alta Sierra
Heading up the hill towards Grass Valley, just after passing the stop light at Alta Sierra, there is a wide section on the right with a little short-cut of a road leading back in to Alta Sierra. There is often a patrol car with radar tucked in behind a few small trees and bushes. Sometimes additional patrol cars and motorcycles are waiting just past this point at Hidden Valley Rd. Not too far after this point highway 49 goes back down to two lanes, so a lot of people speed up to pass in this area.
Hwy 174 near Union Hill School
Just passed Union Hill School heading towards town. Wainting around the corner from school.
Hwy 20 between Pleasant Valley Rd and Rough and Ready Hwy.
Speed limit 55 mph on long flat stretch between these two traffic lights increases to 65 mph after Rough and Ready Hwy traffic light going up hill to Grass Valley. Don’t speed up for the hill too soon!