Hacienda Heights, California Speed Traps

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Stimson Avenue near Kiska Avenue

Hacienda Heights, CaliforniaOct 10, 20070 Comments

Traveling North between Colima Road & Halliburton Road there is a posted School Zone.

Hacienda Boulevard near Glenmark Avenue

Hacienda Heights, CaliforniaAug 07, 20070 Comments

Runs from Glenmark on the North over the top of Hacienda Blvd and down the other side to the bottom of the hill. It’s a 35mph speed limit and they enforce it.

Hacienda Boulevard near Temple Avenue

Hacienda Heights, CaliforniaJun 18, 20040 Comments

Sits in the park under a tree on a motorcycle checking traffic going North & South. Sometimes there is a patrol car just North of Temple in an alley on the east side. Also the same bike cop will sometimes be posted on Eotor St. & Hacienda Blvd.

Northbound Stimson Ave just south of La Monde

Hacienda Heights, CaliforniaSep 30, 20030 Comments

Northbound traffic on Stimson after coming around the curve before the library will sometimes encounter a CHP motorcycle officer with lazer gun just after the corner. 100 feet further down, is a CHP patrol car parked on the side of the road waiting to pull you over.

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