Homeland, California Speed Traps

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Hwy 74 from the East city limits to Juniper Flats Rd.

Homeland, CaliforniaMar 25, 20100 Comments

CHP and RSO tend to sit in the vacant lot next to the Valero station and in the vacant field on the East side of the large banquet hall (across from the post office).

Hwy 74 and Briggs Rd. (school zone)

Homeland, CaliforniaMar 25, 20100 Comments

The speed limit drops from 55 to 25 and around 2:00 PM CHP and RSO cruise the area hitting suspected speeders with their hand held radar guns.

State Route 79 near Homeland Avenue

Homeland, CaliforniaOct 21, 20070 Comments

There is a 100 yard stretch on State Highway 79 through Homeland that has a 45 mph speed limit.

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