Lake Forest, California Speed Traps

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Bake Parkway near Lake Forest Drive

Lake Forest, CaliforniaNov 05, 20040 Comments

Cops hide behind the concrete pilars on each corner. They are very good with their hiding. You can hardly see them even when you look right at them.

Regency Drive near Lake Forest Drive

Lake Forest, CaliforniaJun 14, 20040 Comments

Bike cops sit in a driveway nabbing cars going to work. This tiny stretch of road sees highspeeds. Multiple fatalaties on record. Please slow down!

Ridge Route Street near Toledo Road

Lake Forest, CaliforniaApr 15, 20040 Comments

Motorcycle officers target high school kids leaving the El Toro High School parking lot and will nail them for anything. Also it is a school zone and people always get hit for going 45 durring school hours instead of the reduced limit. Officer Schuch is ruthless, dont try to negotiate with him, he will only write you up for more stuff.

Lake Forset Rd. bet. Muirlands and Jeronimo.

Lake Forest, CaliforniaOct 28, 20030 Comments

If heading towards the freeway on Lake Forest (westbound), just under the railroad tracks, a motorcycle cop site in a driveway with radar on. Pretty much during the whole day, haven’t seen them do it at night. But they’re ruthless and they’ll sit there all day writing tickets. Most people are really cruising by the time they see the cops. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel.

Bake Parkway / Dimenson

Lake Forest, CaliforniaOct 17, 20030 Comments

The cops hide near the storage yard at all times of the day.

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