Los Angeles, California Speed Traps

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6th Street Bridge

Los Angeles, CaliforniaDec 17, 20081 Comments

In the AM rush hour, going towards Downtown, there is a motorcycle cop in the middle of the bridge. You can’t see him before the curve but after the curve he is visible. If you use caution coming out of that 1st curve you’ll be okay.
During the PM rush hour (usually between 3pm and 6pm) there’s a motorcycle cop waiting at the 101 freeway entrance. Use EXTREME caution since you can’t see this cop until it’s too late. Go slow around that same dreaded curve (from the AM), the curve that’s close to Boyle Ave just after the Freeway entrance.

Martin Luther King Blvd & Main St

Los Angeles, CaliforniaDec 17, 20080 Comments

Approximately 3-5 motorcycle cops hide behind cars or trees watching ongoing traffic. School in the corner of Main and King traffic very hectic around 3p.m. and on. No left turn heading North on Main onto King heading West. I’ve seen up to at least 4-5 cars pulled over all at once.

W Washington Blvd near Rosedale Cemetary

Los Angeles, CaliforniaDec 16, 20080 Comments

Two motorcycle police in the driveway of Rosedale Cemetary or at the east end where the cemetary ends at the deadend street.

Fairfax Ave near Mobil station

Los Angeles, CaliforniaDec 16, 20080 Comments

Only seen it in early am 1-2. Police car on south/west corner in Mobil station.

W Slauson Ave & Overhill Dr

Los Angeles, CaliforniaDec 15, 20080 Comments

Officer on motorcycle enforces this area, it’s a large hill that if you’re going east bound, it’s hard to keep under the speed limit, he usually waits in the driveways of the appartments that are along the street. Just before the 7-11 store a motorcylce officer sits on the north side of the street, ticketing daily. Mainly during am and pm rush hours.

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